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Technology Enhanced Learning

10:30 AM - 11:45 AM

Each presentation is 10 minutes + 2 minutes for Q&A.

Listed in order of presentation.

You can go between rooms to hear specific presentations, if you wish.

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Michalenko, Ethan; Yu, Philip

Michalenko, Ethan ; Yu, Philip ; Sarada, Sriya Rajyam ; Rahimpour, Layla ; Mitchell, Josh P. ; Bernard, Jason ; Wainman, Bruce ; Mezil, Yasmeen ; Durham, Kristina

Driving Iterative Development of the AI OSPE Tool Using Q Methodology

Chen, Daisy; Yu, Meg

Chen, Daisy ; Yu, Meg ; Ord, Julia ; Chen, Ruth .

Enhancing Faculty Development Programs: An Evidence-Based Approach to Technology-Enhanced Learning Design with Learning Analytics

Hasan, Farah Z

Hasan, Farah Z ; Aida Esmaelbeigi ; Julia Issa ; Alyssandra Mammoliti ; Jennifer M. McBride ; Josh P. Mitchell ; Ranil R. Sonnadara ; David Mazierski ; Bruce C. Wainman

Location, Location, Location! How environment and modality interact during anatomical knowledge acquisition

Esmaelbeigi, Aida

Esmaelbeigi, Aida ; Hasan, Farah Z. ; Issa, Julia ; Mammoliti, Alyssandra ; McBride, Jennifer M. ; Mitchell, Josh P. ; Sonnadara, Ranil R. ; Mazierski, David ; Wainman, Bruce C.  

Spilling the tea: how students really feel about learning anatomy using virtual reality, computer-assisted modules, or 3D-printed models

Choi, Joshua; Zhao, Jenny

Choi, Joshua ; Zhao, Jenny ; Grierson, Lawrence

Medical School Admissions in a New Era of Artificial Intelligence

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