Innovative Insights in Curricula
10:30 AM - 11:45 AM
DBHSC 2035
Each presentation is 10 minutes + 2 minutes for Q&A.
Listed in order of presentation.
You can go between rooms to hear specific presentations, if you wish.
Abrams, Mitchell
Abrams, Mitchell
RADD ART: RADiologist Developed Autonomic Rewiring Therapy
Davies, Gwynivere
Davies, Gwynivere ; Mithoowani, Siraj ; Fraser, Graeme ; Khalife, Roy
Development of a national needs driven Intrinsic Roles curriculum for Canadian hematology residency training programs
Darie, Sorin
Kim, Gyuah; Darie, Sorin; Ahmed, Esa;Li, Athena; Palombella, Andrew; Rockarts, Jasmine;DeCarlo, Brooke; Wang, Austine; Zhang, Betty;Nguyen, Laura; de SA, Darren;Wohl, Gregory;Wainman, Bruce; Brewer-Deluce, Danielle
Do Feelings Matter? Assessing Qualitative Interpretations of Embalmed Tissues with Quantitative Testing
Kim, Gyuah
Darie, Sorin; Wainman, Bruce; Wohl, Gregory; Ahmed, Esa; DeCarlo, Brooke; Palombella, Andrew; Rockarts, Jasmine; Li, Athena; Zhang, Betty; Wang, Austine; Brewer-Deluce, Danielle;
Man vs Pig: Evaluating Surrogacy of Embalmed Porcine to Human Tissues for Surgical Skills Training
Nash, Jennifer; Howcroft, Kathleen
Nash, Jennifer V ; Al-saqqar, Shahad ; Howcroft, Kathleen ; Ritz, Stacey ; Wilson, Michael
Finding the sweet spot: Measuring the impact of a new, required interdisciplinary course on health science students’ readiness for interdisciplinary learning and problem solving